Shanghai’s oldest man in Linhai is very clean and can still do his own laundry

Bi, who has lived in the village for 113 years, is currently the oldest person in Zhejiang Province. Laochangji Village, Taozhu Town, Linhai City, Taizhou, is almost the easternmost part of Linhai land. Less than eight kilometers east of Lao Changji Village is the coastline. On the afternoon of October 16, I went to the centenarian’s home, an old house on the edge of Lao Changji Village, owned by her third son. In front of the house is a small courtyard without walls, the cement floor under the eaves is very clean, and the old man often uses a cane in one hand and a small broom to clean the dust on the cement floor. There was also a stone covered with a cloth mat in the small yard, where the old man basked in the sun. The old man is very clean and now he also washes his clothes the old man’s room is about 15 square meters, a bed, a table, a small “stove” with a rice cooker, a refrigerator and a few small stools, simple and refreshing. Villagers said that the old man loved to be clean, often saw her sweeping the floor in the yard, but also like to wash their own clothes, always feel that they wash more clean. Bi Nv was born in 1907, the thirty-third year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. According to the 2019 Statistical Bulletin of Zhejiang Province’s Elderly Population and aging Cause, the oldest person in Zhejiang is Bi NV, 113 years old, from Taozhu Town, Linhai City. Tao Haiting, a staff member of the grass-roots health and aging Health Department of Taizhou Municipal Health Commission, said that every year, cities across the province will do a statistics on centenarians, and the data will be summarized in the provincial statistical bulletin of the elderly population and aging cause. According to provincial statistics, Bi is not only the oldest person in Taizhou, but also the oldest person in Zhejiang province. At present, the number of centenarians in Taizhou ranks third in the province, followed by Hangzhou and Wenzhou. Doesn’t look that old, like 90 or something
The residential community is a place to live, how can you let the loudspeaker flood, crazy Shouting, and frequently come to the community every day to endanger the residents: they are also making money. As for Shouting in the community, then who let him come in to change the floor? You like to tow your own car? 666 We speak, and the people next to us cannot hear as long as their ears are plugged. But it’s crazy because you put your fingers in your ears and the horn is still piercing. The decibel level should far exceed the national noise limit !!!!!!!!!!!!! At first, I thought I was advocating educational advice. Later, when I saw a law enforcement vehicle on the street taking electronic scales from a stall, I appealed to the law enforcement vehicle to enter the residential area and the law enforcement officer to take away the horn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a woman who does not use a horn, does not even shout, but still has a business! Because it is obvious: the residential complex is dense, you come every day, residents see your car can not know what you do? Territory: Is the place where residents live, foreign businessmen do not rule, harm, harassment of residents, the United States now has no 5G? Boss Ren said, you don’t even have 5G, how can I steal you? Taking your stuff and selling it is money. Pests do business to make money is originally in the residential area of residents, do not oppose business, against the noise horn. In the residential community, until today, August 14, 2020, the horn of garbage collection shouted loudly, the noise of serious pollution did not change, and continued to satirize civilization! Harass the residents and challenge the face of the four officers! The rag-collecting horn shouts, sort. 1, special number, end sentence: “afraid – plow – afraid – what.” The cry of the devil. 2, begins abruptly: “Afraid… 3, “there is feeding”. 4, “high price recycling”. 5, “… Everything.” On October 16th the United States recorded 69,000 new cases in a single day
Ming Dynasty pavilion old Lu Ben ended in Baoqing Road Ding worry back home, and helped his hometown to build the South city, Shaoxing city built an area of 48 acres “; Thirteen halls of Lu Fu “. For hundreds of years, the 13th Hall of Lu Fu has been the most well-deserved mansion in Shaoxing City. Now it has been opened up by the local Wang Yangming Memorial Hall. Yuyao’s pride, well, worth going to is Lu Jin, not Lu Ben. I often play cricket in it when I was a child, and I am familiar with it. But now Shaoxing in order to highlight Wang Yangming’s investment of 6 billion yuan to build Wang Yangming’s former residence, the two neighbors who moved to Shaoxing live together in one room, which is probably to let the two Yuyao saints talk about the past, in fact Yuyao and Shaoxing origin is very deep, such as Xiaoshan Street, the flower gate is Yuyao Simen Xie Qian son Shaoxing City, Yuyao County, Xie PI was established, is now only preserved one of the flower gate. Yuyao Lu Wen An temple why not display open. After all, Luben has contributed to Yuyao. ” {{A text from “Yuyao Lu Family Research in Ming Dynasty” (Zhejiang University Press 2012, written by Ningbo University Associate Professor Zhang Ping) was attributed to “Lu Ben” rather than “Lu Ji”. She thought that in the name of Reuben, the genealogy was sometimes written “forward”; But from the names of Reuben’s three brothers “Wo”, “Wo”; “Music”; ” “Pick” All from the side “; “Wood” and the echoing relationship between the name and the word should be “wood”. Ben “. ” The name “Ben” is” The word “Ru Li” is connected, which approximately contains the meaning of “establishing your body from the root”. In addition, Shen Defu’s “Wanli Ye Wo” Volume 8 “Cabinet” has “; Named “encountered”; One also believes that the reason why Zhang Zhi and Lu Ben were elected to the cabinet is because their names are similar, which happens to have the meaning of “re-treating the root cause”, and is called the meaning of the extremely renamed Jiajing Emperor. “Make no mistake, it was borrowed by Mr. Yang Ming. Yes, the same as the prime minister, the same as the Shaoxing Lord, how different comments, Lu Ji no fault, for the people and their own less damage, did not openly fight with the strict thieves just, the Zhou Gong in today’s Cultural Revolution is the same, perhaps learn from Lu Ge old way of people!
Today I most want to say: “boiler boiling wave rice, I want to irrigate ~”. Today I most want to say: “Sign in every day”. What I want to say today is: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” Today I want to say: “The top ten cities for night travel are Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Foshan.” I want to say today: “Come on!”. I want to say today: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” I want to say today: “work!” I want to say today: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” What I want to say most today is “go to work go to………” I want to say today: “Go, go, go”. I want to say today: “The member did not fill in the content of today.” I want to say today: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” I want to say today: “boiler boiling wave rice, I want to irrigate ~”. I want to say today: “I want to say today”. Today I want to say: “boiler boiling rice, I want to fill water ~”. Today I want to say: “The member did not fill in the content of today.” I want to say today: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” I want to say today: “The member did not fill in what he wants to say today.” I most want to say today: “boiler boiling wave rice, I want to irrigate ~”. I most want to say today: “The member did not fill in the content of today.” .
It is not easy to be in charge of a forum, and I am sorry that the moderator has made a mistake and will not dare to quarrel with you